型 号: | |
所属分类: | 德尔格压缩空气质量检测仪 |
报 价: | 10 |
在许多领域,例如采矿或工业,对Z微量气流的检测非常重要,以快速可靠地估算危险物质扩散的可能性。 使用气流检测管可立即查看到气流源头、方向和速度。洁净室发烟笔Smokepen 220是一种很适用的气流测试笔,打开即可产生一小股烟雾。持续按下按钮或锁定按钮即可获得连续的烟雾。
洁净室发烟笔Smokepen 220
Description:Smoke pen 220 imported from Regin Company (USA), is a kind of micro type smoke generator, consists of smoke pen and wick, which is ideal for testing air ventilation and leak. Wick is nontoxic, without residuals and pollution after burning.
Detail Summary
Smoke Pen 220 is a kind of micro type smoke generator, consists of smoke pen and wick, which is ideal for testing air ventilation and leak. Wick is nontoxic, without residuals and pollution after burning.
洁净室发烟笔Smokepen 220介绍:
美国 REGIN公司的Smoke pen220 发烟笔为外观新颖的无毒燃烧烟雾发生器,由发烟笔和燃芯组成,使用烟雾测风流法(smoke-stick),是读取气流数据的理想设备.用来检测空气流通性和各种气体(有毒、无毒)泄露;也可用来检查密闭容器的封闭情况和锅炉的压力及消防安全检查等。
·Nontoxic smoke and no shipping limit
·Smoke-pen kit incl.6 wicks
·3 hours of continuous smoke or 360 individual 30 second tests
·Dense white smoke for easy viewing of air flow and leaks
·Continuous stream that can be started and stopped
·Light with match or cigarette lighter
·Not for use near combustible gases
• 烟雾和燃芯无毒,无航运限制
• 芯可提供长达3 小时的连续烟雾或360 次30 秒测试
• 稳定和持续的烟流,可轻易的将燃烧的燃芯熄灭,下次测试仍可正常使用
• 气体平衡,空气平衡配比
• 没有很强的烟蒸气=极低的热干扰
• 揭示了zui小的泄漏或空气流
• 检查 通风系统是否完好
• 测试烟雾警报器
• 试验负或正气压
·Cleanroom air flow test
·Door / window leak detecting
·Ventilation system test
·Sealing test of sealed container or pressure check of boiler
·Test smoke alarm
·Test negative/positive air pressure
注:每套发烟器为一支发烟管和6 个燃芯一体包装,亦可单独采购燃芯。我公司另供德国德尔格气体流向检测管可选,以及德尔格压缩空气质量检测仪常备现货,!
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